Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where are the Leaders

I'm sorry but I can't sit around and watch what is happening in washington without chiming in. The folks in Congress, and I use the term "folks" to remind us all that they are not special, they are like the rest of us (whether they believe it or not). Anyway, the "folks" in Congress view themselves as leaders of our country...would you agree? I know a little about leaders. I worked for good and bad leaders during my 23 years in uniform. I have lead men in combat and in peacetime, and I have lead organizations since my retirement. I believe I know what leadership is, and the problem is if I were asked, I would classify the actions of those in Congress as the actions of followers, not leaders. Leaders do not follow party guidance at the expense of those who elected them to lead...followers do. Leaders do not sign absolute commitments "I will never vote to raise taxes" in an environment where they are uncertain of the future, that would be called giving in to bullies and that is not is what followers would do. Leaders do not build policies and guidance on "making sure that XXX is a one term President, or that this or that person is not re-elected. That would imply that you are willing to discount things done that benefit the country and that is what followers would do. Call me one of the frustrated majority who is not heard but if you need to raise my taxes so my kids have a job then I say ok, let's figure out how to make it fair. Need to increase the sales taxes on certain items? I say ok as long as you can tell me how it helps. My concern is that if we continue to be "led" by followers then we will become the "former world power" and read about the glory days of America in the history books.

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